🍁 Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Are Deliberate Lies “Free Speech” At All? 🍁
Noëlle Fran
When I look into the mirror, what do I see? Am I really a good person? Am I listening when others speak? Do I feel sad when others are struggling? Or am I greedy and manipulate others for my selfish benefit? What is the appearance and what is the reality?
🍁 Oval Mirror with Mosaic Frame 🍁
Noelle Fran
Mixed Media
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About Noelle Fran:
Creating allows my imagination to express itself. And is also very soothing. I have always liked to create. First to transform everyday life and my environment. Then to share my creations with others
Connect With Noelle Fran at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelnofran
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelnofran
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.fr/noellefranc999